Integration of Patient-Reported Outcomes (PROs) and the Patient Voice: A Review of 6 Health Technology Assessment (HTA) Agencies
By Xcenda
Integration of Patient-Reported Outcomes (PROs) and the Patient Voice: A Review of 6 Health Technology Assessment (HTA) Agencies
By: Martine Etschmaier, MPH; Kimberly Gittings, PharmD, MS, MBA; Cynthiya Ruban, PhD, MS; George Papadopoulos, BSc(Hons); Trent McLaughlin, BSc(Pharm), PhD
While inclusion of PROs and/or patient voice within an HTA can have a positive influence on recommendations, inconsistencies in terms of how this information is collected across HTA agencies and across different assessments within the same HTA agency is problematic for manufacturers. For example, many HTAs may not directly reference the use of PROs within the evaluation but may indirectly utilize them through economic models. Different HTA agencies place heightened value on some specific outcomes more than others and provide guidance on how certain PROs should be utilized in drug development. The differing value of PROs and patient voice by country is strongly reflected by the respective processes of HTA agencies’ assessments.
This article provides a brief overview as to how the patient voice and/or PROs are utilized in HTA decision making within Australia, Canada, Germany, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
- World Health Organization, 2019
“Health technology assessment (HTA) refers to the systematic evaluation of properties, effects, and/or impacts of health technology. It is a multidisciplinary process to evaluate the social, economic, organizational, and ethical issues of a health intervention or health technology. The main purpose of conducting an assessment is to inform policy decision making.”
Country Spotlight: Australia
- The drug is indicated for a serious, disabling, or life-threatening condition for which there is no other realistic management option. This could include drugs that are indicated where other management options have failed for such conditions (last resort); and
- All reasonable normal options, which may include a re-submission, have been exhausted; and
- The PBAC considers there are grounds to define a listing restriction that would be accepted by the stakeholders and would give the best possible (if still normally unacceptable) cost-effectiveness under the “Rule of Rescue”; and
- The PBAC and the sponsor agree there is a reasonable likelihood that progress will be able to be made that will assist the PBAC in reaching a recommendation.
United Kingdom
United States
Therapeutic Area Spotlight: Oncology
The increasing inclusion of patients’ perspectives and experiences as an influential part of the HTA process makes it essential for manufacturers to include the patient perspective early within the drug development process and throughout life-cycle management, as it represents an invaluable and distinctive source of data. The extent to which patients are involved in HTAs and the relative influence varies. Moreover, patient perspectives are captured without systematic or agreed methodologies. This means that, while patient input is considered, the current assessment methodology does not always capture how treatments are valued by patients, as patient experience can be particularly hard to quantify compared against other evidence such as clinical trial data. Globally, to enable patients to contribute to decision making in HTA, it is vital to design and employ appropriate research methods to elicit, collect, and adequately value patient preferences and views. Given the diversity of patient voice and PRO integration in the HTA process, it is important that manufacturers seek local feedback to remain knowledgeable of changes that may impact a product’s submission.
The influence and the role of the patient voice in healthcare decision making are on the rise. While the exact level of utilization varies widely from HTA agency to agency, the trend seen across global markets is clear. As such, as manufacturers continue to develop their pipeline products, strategic and timely integration of the patient voice and PROs into clinical development programs will be critical to ensure the data are available for inclusion in both regulatory and HTA submissions. Manufacturers will be challenged to not only identify and utilize appropriate PRO instruments to capture the patient experience of the specific patient population but also develop appropriate methodologies for capturing these data within both clinical trial and real-world settings. It is essential that manufacturers integrate the patient voice, an invaluable and distinctive source of data, throughout the drug development cycle as it will drive value and bring new, innovative therapies to market—which is a winning value proposition for all stakeholders.
Summary of HTA Agencies
The article should be referenced as follows:
Etschmaier M, Gittings K, Ruban C, Papadopoulos G, McLaughlin T. Integration of patient-reported outcomes (PROs) and the patient voice: a review of 6 health technology assessment (HTA) agencies. HTA Quarterly. Spring 2020.
- Berglas S, Jutai L, MacKean G, Weeks L. Patients’ perspectives can be integrated in health technology assessments: an exploratory analysis of CADTH Common Drug Review. Res Involv Engage. 2016;2(1):21.
- European Commission. Mapping of HTA methodologies in EU and Norway. June 2017.
- European Medicines Agency. Submission of comments on “Reflection paper on the use of patient reported outcome (PRO) measures in oncology studies-Draft.”
- Hintzen CL, Lie X, van Engen A, New MJ. PROS in oncology HTA decisions—do they matter? Value Health. 2017 Oct-Nov;20(9):A470-A471.
- ICER. About ICER.
- ICER. Patient Participant Guide.
- IQWiG. General Methods. Version 5.0 of 10. July 2017.
- IQWiG. About us.
- ISPOR. 2009. Sweden—Pharmaceutical. Global Health Technology Assessment Road Map.
- Lie X, Kempf L, van Engen A. Impact of PRO data on IQWiG benefit ratings in oncology. ISPOR 2018.
- NICE. Guide to the Processes of Technology Appraisal. April 2018.
- NICE. Individual research recommendation details: colorectal cancer. November 2011.
- NICE. Individual research recommendation details: spinal conditions. September 2017.
- PBAC. Health Outcomes. 2019.
- PBS. PBAC Meeting Agenda and Consumer Comments.
- PBS. Guidelines for Initiation of Stakeholder Meetings.
- PBS. PBAC Stakeholder Meetings.
- Weszl M, Rencz F, Brodszky V. Is the trend of increasing use of patient-reported outcome measures in medical device studies the sign of shift towards value-based purchasing in Europe? Eur J Health Econ. 2019 Jun;20(Suppl 1):133-140.
- World Health Organization. Health technology assessment.
- Xcenda. Responding to stakeholder input: finding the patient voice in ICER’s value assessments. 2018.